Terms of Service

By clicking the "I agree to terms and services box" or completing your payment on the stripe checkout page and clicking the “Pay” button displayed online in our Credit Veterans LLC Stripe Payment Portal as a part of your ordering process or signing any document that refers to this “General Terms” Agreement, you agree to these terms and conditions (the “Agreement”) governing the Services we provide you. Even if you do not use our Credit Veterans LLC Portal, our non-electronic process is similar, and by using our Services, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. Please read them carefully. In addition to these “General Terms“, we have specific Services Agreements that describe the terms or product/service requirements that will apply. Those additional terms (“Service Terms“) will be available when you request a Service. Additional terms may be stated on our website, or online in our Client Portal, or in other documents using names such as “Agreement,” “Statement of Work (SOW),” “Invoice,” or “Receipt,” all of which are herein referred to as “Agreement(s).” Typically, the additional documents will specify details such as the price, the specific Credit Veterans LLC Service, and the time you have agreed to use the Credit Veterans LLC Service (one-time purchase, month-to-month, or multiple consecutive months). These additional terms and details become part of your Agreement with us when you use the particular Service.We refer to our General Terms of Services as our “General Terms” or “Agreement” when we are referring not only to our General Terms of Services but also to “Service Terms,” Agreements, Invoices, Orders, Receipts, and Policies found in documents relating to Services that Credit Veterans LLC provides to you. Credit Veterans LLC may add to, delete from, or modify any of these terms at any time without liability. Changes to the General Terms will not apply retroactively and will become effective 7 days after posting; however, changes to functionality or those made for legal reasons will be effective immediately. Similarly, our Service Terms, as they apply to any specific Agreement, may be revised during the term of that Agreement, and those revisions will not apply retroactively but will become effective 7 days after posting; however, revisions to functionality, for legal reasons, or if imposed by a Third Party Provider, will be effective immediately.Overview. The terms “you” and “your” refer to the person that agrees to a Service. The term “Order” or “Invoice” refers to a specific product(s) or service(s) that you have requested Credit Veterans LLC provide. You will have agreed to this through any means, including an authorized representative of Credit Veterans LLC who completes an order on your behalf as you instruct either over the telephone or in person or via email, or through a request via the Credit Veterans LLC website. All Sections within our General Terms (this document) apply to all services you order. Additional terms that relate to specific Services may be described in one or more Agreements, however presented to you whether separately or through a Credit Veterans LLC, Inc. website. In addition, you agree to be bound by the Credit Veterans LLC General Terms of Service, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and any other policies that Credit Veterans LLC posts on its website,, or any of the other Credit Veterans LLC websites from time to time, each as it may be modified from time to time. Credit Veterans LLC’ Privacy Policy may be viewed online on the Credit Veterans LLC website. Credit Veterans LLC reserves the right to modify its privacy and security policies occasionally. The Policies, your Agreement, and related documents are incorporated into and form a part of your Agreement. To the extent there is a conflict among or between any of those documents, they will govern in the following order of precedence: (a) the Invoice/Receipt, (b) the specific Agreement, (c) these General Terms, and (d) the Policies. Authorization. Any individual that places an order with Credit Veterans LLC on behalf of another person or business represents and warrants that (a) he or she is a duly authorized agent of that other person or business and has the authority to enter into this Agreement and to place that order on behalf of that other person or business, and (b) this Agreement is binding and enforceable against that other person or business. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SUCH AUTHORITY, OR IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU MUST NOT CLICK ON THE “I AGREE” BUTTON, AND YOU MUST NOT AGREE TO ANY INVOICE OR CONFIRMATION. IF YOU PLACE AN ORDER WITH Credit Veterans LLC ON BEHALF OF ANOTHER PERSON OR BUSINESS AND YOU DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BIND THAT OTHER PERSON OR BUSINESS, YOU ALSO WILL BE PERSONALLY LIABLE TO Credit Veterans LLC UNDER THIS AGREEMENT.Services. Subject to your compliance with this Agreement, (a) you may occasionally purchase one or more Services from Credit Veterans LLC, and (b) Credit Veterans LLC will provide those Services to you in accordance with this Agreement. THE SERVICES ARE INTENDED SOLELY FOR BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL USE AND NOT FOR FAMILY, HOUSEHOLD, OR CONSUMER USES.Charges and Payment of Fees, Taxes. Unless expressly provided otherwise in your Invoice, in an Agreement, or as required by law, all fees are fully earned upon payment and upon each renewal of your Service. All payments must be made in advance and, once made, are non-cancelable, and all amounts are non-refundable.You agree to pay Credit Veterans LLC any initial one-time fee or fees, such as a set-up fee or product fee, as well as other fees related to each Service as specified in your Invoice/Receipt. All initial, one-time fees are non-refundable.In certain situations, such as special promotional multi-month commitments, the set-up fee or other initial fees may be partially or fully waived. In all cases, you must fulfill the terms set forth for qualification for the partial or full waiver, and if you fail to fulfill the terms (for example, if you exercise an included option to change or cancel the Service before completing a promotional multi-month Agreement), you then agree to pay the unpaid/waived portion of the fees as well as any specified cancellation charges or other fees that are due.If your selected Credit Veterans LLC Service recurs or renews automatically, you understand that Credit Veterans LLC will not send you a new Invoice for each new term or billing period unless you specifically agree to pay a different fee. If you agree to a different Service Fee, you will do so by acknowledging that different fee in a new Invoice or by agreeing in another document such as an email or Agreement. The fees for any renewal term or recurring monthly service fee will be the amount specified in your initial Invoice or in the relevant Agreement. You agree to pay all fees as and when described in your Invoice, or if your Invoice does not specify the payment terms, then you will pay the fees as and when specified in the relevant Agreement.Unless stated otherwise on your Invoice or in your Services Agreement, for Services that are provided on a “month-to-month” basis, you agree to pay the Monthly Service Fee each month on the same date you opened your account. The Monthly Service Fee is due in advance of the delivery of Services. For example, if you opened your account on March 15, your Monthly Service Fee will be due on the 15th of each month thereafter until your account is terminated; and in this example, the Monthly Service Fee for Services delivered from April 15 to May 14 would be due on April 15.Fee Changes. Credit Veterans LLC will give you at least 30 days advance notice of any changes in ongoing fees for Services that we provide to you on a month-to-month basis. We will send this notice via email to your email address on file with Credit Veterans LLC. If you do not want to continue Services at the new fee, you agree to cancel your Service(s) as provided in the terms associated with that Service.Taxes. You agree to pay all sales, use, value-added and other taxes (other than taxes based on Credit Veterans LLC’ income) related to your purchase and/or use of the Services.Billing and Payment. When you provide or send your credit card or other payment information to Credit Veterans LLC, that act will constitute your express authorization and instruction to Credit Veterans LLC to charge that credit card or accept another payment source for all fees and other amounts due payable to Credit Veterans LLC under this Agreement. You are solely responsible for the credit card and/or payment information you provide to Credit Veterans LLC, and you must promptly inform Credit Veterans LLC of any change to the issuer, account number, expiration date, security code, or other information necessary for Credit Veterans LLC to charge that credit card or other payment source. As a Client, you may enter the Credit Veterans LLC Portal to change your payment preference or update your relevant payment information. However, in doing so, you are not changing your agreement to pay as originally agreed. Credit Veterans LLC, at its sole discretion, may offer invoice payment terms for certain Services, but even if Credit Veterans LLC allows invoice payment Credit Veterans LLC may, at any time, with or without cause, terminate your privilege to receive Services on invoice payment terms. All payments made under this Agreement must be in US Dollars. If you are on invoice payment terms, all sums not paid when due will accrue interest at the lesser of either 1.5% per month or the maximum rate allowed by law. If you fail to pay or chargeback any amount regardless of payment terms as and when due for any Service, Credit Veterans LLC may cease providing that and all other Services, may engage the services of a collection agency and/or may enforce its legal remedies, and in that case, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney fees, whether incurred before, at trial and in any appeal or other post-judgment proceeding. In addition, Credit Veterans LLC may charge a reinstatement fee if, after termination, you wish to reinstate Services that were terminated due to non-payment or for any other reason.Term and Renewal. Credit Veterans LLC provides, and you purchase, the Service for the term specified in your Invoice, or if your Invoice does not specify the duration of the term, then for the duration of the term specified in the Agreement for that Service. Unless either Credit Veterans LLC or you provide notice of termination to the other party in the manner described below, your Service will automatically renew on the same terms (except as described in Section 4 of this Services Agreement) for successive renewal terms. Each renewal term will be for the duration specified in your Invoice or Agreement. The fees payable for a Service for each renewal term may change as referenced in Section 4 of these General Terms and/or as described in the Service’s Agreement.Third-Party Services. In addition to Credit Veterans LLC proprietary services and products, Credit Veterans LLC is an authorized reseller of goods, services, and information (“Third Party Services“) provided by Bing®, Facebook®, Google®, Microsoft®, Yahoo!®, Yext®, and other suppliers to Credit Veterans LLC (“Third Party Suppliers“), and some of the Services may be, or may include, Third Party Services, and Credit Veterans LLC may or may not disclose that a Third Party Supplier is involved in the Services. For example, Credit Veterans LLC is a certified Google® Partner, so we offer Third Party Services provided by Google. You may review Google’s “Advertiser guide: working with third parties” at http://www.google.com/adwords/thirdpartypartners/. Third Party Suppliers may require that you comply with and/or consent to terms and conditions that differ from or that are in addition to those in this Agreement regarding their respective Third-Party Services. You authorize Credit Veterans LLC to act on your behalf and to accept all terms and conditions required by Third Party Services and Suppliers as necessary. When we accept terms on your behalf, Credit Veterans LLC will alert you of non-compliance issues of which we are aware. Even so, you are primarily responsible for your compliance with the terms of all Third Party Services and for understanding their terms and conditions of service. Any warranties related to Third Party Services are those of the Third-Party Supplier and not of Credit Veterans LLC. You acknowledge and agree that Credit Veterans LLC Third Party Suppliers, such as Bing®, Facebook®, Google®, Microsoft®, Yahoo!®, and Yext® are third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement to the extent that this Agreement contains provisions which relate to your use of their software and that those related provisions are made expressly for the benefit of Third Party Suppliers and are enforceable by Third Party Suppliers in addition to Credit Veterans LLC. ANY WARRANTIES RELATED TO THIRD PARTY SERVICES ARE THOSE OF THE THIRD-PARTY SUPPLIER, AND NOT OF Credit Veterans LLC. Credit Veterans LLC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR AND WILL NOT HAVE ANY LIABILITY CONCERNING ANY THIRD PARTY SERVICES. Credit Veterans LLC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change, suspend, terminate, or cancel your access to and use of Third-Party Services. Without limiting the preceding, if a Third-Party Supplier ceases to make any Third Party Services available to Credit Veterans LLC on reasonable terms or that Third Party Supplier significantly changes its Services, Credit Veterans LLC may, without penalty or premium, stop offering those Third Party Services and the Services that rely on those Third Party Services. CLIENT RELEASES Credit Veterans LLC FROM ANY LIABILITY RELATED TO OR ARISING FROM ANY THIRD-PARTY SERVICES OR TO ANY THIRD-PARTY SUPPLIERS. You own the intellectual property rights and all good will associated with your trademarks, copyrighted works, and confidential information you deliver to Credit Veterans LLC (the “Client Intellectual Property”). Depending upon the Service we provide to you, we may ask that you provide to us images, videos, written, visual and auditory content, materials, and the like (the “content”) and when you do provide content to Credit Veterans LLC, you certify that you own or have the legal right to use the provided content.Credit Veterans LLC, the Third Party Suppliers, and their respective licensors own the intellectual property rights and all goodwill associated with the following (the “Credit Veterans LLC Intellectual Property“): (a) their trademarks, copyrighted work, confidential information and other intellectual property and proprietary rights associated with their respective Services; and (b) all suggestions, ideas, enhancements, requests, feedback, recommendations, comments and other information that you or your agents provide to Credit Veterans LLC relating to the Services (and you hereby assign all right, title, and interest in and to that information to Credit Veterans LLC).Licenses.DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATIONS.ALL SERVICES ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE” BASIS EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT, AND YOUR USE OF THE SERVICES IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. YOU WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR LOSS OF DATA THAT RESULTS FROM YOUR USE OF THE SERVICES OR THE DOWNLOADING OF ANY MATERIAL AND/OR DATA FROM ANY SOURCE PROVIDED BY Credit Veterans LLC, A THIRD-PARTY SUPPLIER, OR THEIR RESPECTIVE LICENSORS AND OTHER CONTRACTORS. Credit Veterans LLC, ON ITS OWN BEHALF AND ON BEHALF OF THE THIRD-PARTY SUPPLIERS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE LICENSORS AND OTHER CONTRACTORS, EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, COURSE OF DEALING AND USAGE IN THE TRADE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE PRECEDING, NEITHER Credit Veterans LLC NOR THE THIRD PARTY SUPPLIERS OR THEIR RESPECTIVE LICENSORS OR OTHER CONTRACTORS WARRANT THAT THE SERVICES (a) WILL BE SUITABLE FOR OR WILL MEET YOUR EXPECTATIONS OR REQUIREMENTS; (b) WILL BE EFFECTIVE OR WILL ACHIEVE ANY PARTICULAR RESULTS OR BUSINESS OBJECTIVES; (c) WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE, RELIABLE, ERROR-FREE OR FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL OR DISABLING CODE OR WILL OPERATE IN COMBINATION WITH ANY OTHER HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, SYSTEM OR DATA; OR (d) WILL INCLUDE OR GENERATE INFORMATION THAT IS ACCURATE OR RELIABLE. TO THE EXTENT ANYONE AT Credit Veterans LLC PURPORTS TO MODIFY THESE LIMITATIONS, YOU MAY RELY ON THAT MODIFICATION ONLY IF IT IS DESCRIBED IN REASONABLE DETAIL IN WRITING AND HAS BEEN SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF Credit Veterans LLC. [SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN WARRANTIES, AND SOME OF THE EXCLUSIONS IN THIS AGREEMENT MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.]Neither Credit Veterans LLC, the Third Party Suppliers, nor their respective licensors and other contractors will have any liability, and they expressly disclaim any responsibility for any losses, damages, liabilities, costs, or expenses resulting from or relating to: (a) access delays or access interruptions; (b) data non-delivery or data miss-delivery; (c) force majeure events; (d) the unauthorized use or misuse of your log-on information; (e) errors, omissions, or misstatements in, or your inability to use, any Services; (f) the deletion of or failure to store email messages; (g) the development or interruption of your website; and (h) limitations, incompatibilities, defects, or other problems inherent in xml, xslm, or any other standard that is not controlled solely by Credit Veterans LLC THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, ANY CLAIM OR CAUSE OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO ANY SERVICES OR THIS AGREEMENT MUST BE FILED WITHIN ONE YEAR AFTER THAT CLAIM OR CAUSE OF ACTION AROSE, OR THAT CLAIM WILL BE FOREVER BARRED.NEITHER Credit Veterans LLC, THE THIRD-PARTY SUPPLIERS NOR THEIR RESPECTIVE LICENSORS OR CONTRACTORS WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF USE, COST OF CURE, OR FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF Credit Veterans LLC HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF THOSE DAMAGES. Credit Veterans LLC’ ENTIRE LIABILITY, AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, IN LAW, IN EQUITY OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO ANY SERVICE, Credit Veterans LLC’ NEGLIGENCE AND/OR ITS BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT, IS LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID FOR THE SERVICE GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM DURING THE 12 MONTHS PRECEDING THE DATE THE CLAIM AROSE. [TO THE EXTENT THAT A STATE DOES NOT PERMIT THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION, Credit Veterans LLC’ LIABILITY IS LIMITED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW IN THOSE STATES.]None of the preceding disclaimers, exclusions, or limitations will apply to (a) your failure to pay the fees and other charges for the Services and any attorney fees incurred by Credit Veterans LLC under Sections 4 and/or 5 of this Services Agreement in connection with the collection of those amounts; (b) either party’s breach of Section 8 (Ownership) or Section 9 (Licenses) of this Services Agreement; or © amounts paid or payable to unrelated third parties under Section 12 (Indemnity) of this Services Agreement and related defense costs.Indemnity.Credit Veterans LLC will release, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless you and your agents, employees, officers, directors, shareholders, affiliates and assigns (collectively, the “Client Indemnitees“) from all liabilities, claims, damages, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees and expenses (each, an “Indemnified Loss“), relating to or arising out of (a) Credit Veterans LLC’ breach of this Agreement [or negligence], or (b) copyright infringement specifically relating to Credit Veterans LLC-provided components or Credit Veterans LLC-provided content in the Credit Veterans LLC Services (other than Third Party Services) that we provide to you.You will release, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Credit Veterans LLC, the person providing the Third Party Services, and any of their licensors, contractors, agents, employees, officers, directors, shareholders, affiliates, and assigns (collectively, the “Credit Veterans LLC Indemnitees“) from all Indemnified Losses, relating to or arising out of (a) your breach of this Agreement or negligence; (b) a claim by any person providing Third Party Services; (c) the inclusion of any other person’s trademarks in any metatags or other elements of a Service; (d) any comments, documents or other content that any person’s posts on your website or any other public electronic forum associated with you, your goods, services or other products; or (e) any goods, services, information, material or content on your website or which you provide to Credit Veterans LLC for us to use on your behalf.As a condition to receiving the protections described in this Section 11, the person entitled to those protections (the “Indemnitee“) must (a) provide the party obligated to provide those protections (the “Indemnitor“) prompt notice of any claim that might give rise to an Indemnified Loss (except that failure to give prompt notice will not limit, impair or otherwise affect the Indemnitee’s rights unless the Indemnitor is prejudiced by that failure, and then only to the extent of the prejudice); and (b) give the Indemnitor full and complete authority (including settlement authority), information and assistance for the defense of that claim; and neither party will settle any such claim without the other party’s prior written consent except that the Indemnitor may enter into a settlement agreement as long as it includes a full and final release of all claims against the Indemnitee, does not admit fault or liability by the Indemnitee and does not impose any continuing obligations on the Indemnitee.  

You authorize Credit Veterans LLC to: (a) disclose that you are a client of Credit
Veterans LLC and the Services Credit Veterans LLC has provided or is providing
to you; and (b) provide the Client Intellectual Property to the Third-Party
Suppliers and Credit Veterans LLC’ other contractors as necessary to fulfill
our agreement to provide a Service to

you.To the extent Credit Veterans LLC delivers or makes any Credit Veterans
LLC Intellectual Property to you in connection with the Services, and subject
to your compliance with this Agreement, Credit Veterans LLC grants you a
limited, nonexclusive license to use those Services and the related Credit
Veterans LLC Intellectual Property in the course and scope of your business
during the term of your Service and as your Service may be renewed as described
in Section 6 of this Services Agreement. The rights described in the preceding
sentence will terminate if at any time you: (a) use the Services as a service
bureau or to provide administrative services to any other person; (b) sell,
resell, license, sublicense, transfer, assign, disclose, distribute or
otherwise commercially exploit the Services to any other person, including your
customers; (c) copy or modify the Services; (d) reverse engineer the Services;
(e) access or use the Services to create goods, services, information or
features that are similar to the Services or otherwise to compete with the
Services. To the extent you create any derivative works of a Service or any Credit
Veterans LLC Intellectual Property (for example, an enhancement, revision,
translation, adaptation, abridgment, condensation, expansion, collection,
compilation or any other transformation of a work that is based upon a Service
or any Credit Veterans LLC Intellectual Property), you hereby assign to Credit
Veterans LLC, and Credit Veterans LLC will own, all right, title and interest
in and to that derivative work.Termination of Service, Solution, or Product.

If you breach any part of this Agreement, Credit Veterans LLC may, in its
sole and exclusive discretion, immediately and without notice to you, disable
your login information or suspend making the Services available; however, any
fees payable for those Services will continue to accrue for those suspended
Services, and you will continue to pay all fees that accrue during the period
of suspension.

You may terminate this Agreement as it applies to any or all Services if Credit
Veterans LLC breaches any of its obligations, representations, or warranties
under this Agreement and fails to cure that breach within 30 days after Credit
Veterans LLC receives written notice describing in reasonable detail the nature
of that breach.Credit Veterans LLC may terminate this Agreement as it applies
to any or all Services immediately without notice if you or any of your agents
breach Credit Veterans LLC’ acceptable use of Services as set forth in this
Agreement, including the policy found in Section 8 (Ownership) or Section 9
(Licenses) of this Services Agreement or any other provision of this Agreement
if the breach is incapable of cure. Credit Veterans LLC may terminate the
Agreement as it applies to any or all Services if you or any of your agents
breach any other provision of the Agreement and fail to cure that breach within
30 days following the date Credit Veterans LLC sends you a written notice
describing in reasonable detail the nature of that breach.Certain Third-Party
Services may have additional requirements regarding termination; those
requirements may be described in the applicable Agreement or in the
documentation provided or made available by the Third-Party Suppliers.Credit
Veterans LLC reserves the right to terminate providing or supporting a Service,
Solution, or Product for any reason. In the event of termination, Credit
Veterans LLC will provide you with as much notice as is reasonably possible
under the circumstances of such termination; however, termination related to
functionality may occur immediately and without any notice. (For example, a
functionality termination may occur in relation to software or hardware failure
or support changes.Effect of Termination. Unless otherwise specified in your
Invoice or Agreement, you will not receive a refund of any amounts you have
paid if this Agreement is terminated, and you may incur additional fees as
described in the Agreement for the affected Services (e.g., when a fee is
payable in installments). If the Agreement terminates as a result of your
breach of the Agreement, you will pay, in addition to all outstanding fees, the
costs of that termination, including reasonable costs that Credit Veterans LLC
incurs in closing your account and terminating your receipt of the Service(s).
You will pay those fees and costs within 30 days of your receipt of an invoice
from Credit Veterans LLC for those costs. Upon termination of the Agreement for
any reason, you will destroy the original and all copies of the works,
materials, and other deliverables that Credit Veterans LLC provided or made
available to you under this Agreement or that Addendum, and Credit Veterans LLC
may delete the information in its possession or under its control related to
you.Your Representations, Warranties, and Promises. You represent, warrant, and
agree that: (a) you have the power and authority to enter into and perform your
obligations under the Agreement, (b) you are of legal age to enter into the
Agreement; (c) your use the Services will not directly or indirectly (i)
infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property, publicity or legal rights
of any other person; or (ii) violate any court order, contract or other
obligation by which you are bound; (d) you will comply with the Policies and the
other provisions of the Agreement; and (e) you will comply with applicable
law.Notices. Except as expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement, all
notices to Credit Veterans LLC must be in writing and delivered via overnight
courier or certified mail, return receipt requested, to Credit Veterans LLC,
Inc., Attention: Accounting, 30 N gould ST STE R, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801, USA.
Credit Veterans LLC may deliver notices to you by sending them to the mailing
address or email address you provided when you placed an order, provided your
Billing information, or opened an account with Credit Veterans LLC. As you may
have updated that information.Announcements. When sending information to you, Credit
Veterans LLC intends to comply with Federal and State laws relating to unwanted
communications. Unless you comply with any opt-out or unsubscribe options Credit
Veterans LLC may provide, you authorize Credit Veterans LLC to contact you at
the telephone number or email or postal address you provided to Credit Veterans
LLC (as you may update that information) regarding information that Credit
Veterans LLC believes may be of interest to you. Notices, messages,
announcements, and communications may include transactional or relationship
content, commercial content, telephone solicitations, and other information
such as marketing suggestions, account suggestions, changes, upgrades, new
products, or services.SMS (Text) Messaging Alert Program Participants who
opt-in through our online funnels will be automatically subscribed to receive
periodic text message updates from the Credit Veterans LLC SMS (Text) Messaging
Alert Program (up to 10 messages per month). By submitting your information as
set forth herein, you give us your express consent to use automated technology
to call and/or text you on your mobile device at the wireless number you
provided for policy advocacy and action alerts. You also give us your consent
to receive prerecorded messages sent for any reason using automated technology
at that phone number. You are not required to provide this consent to make a
purchase from us. Participants may unsubscribe/opt-out from the program at any
time by sending the word STOP to any of the phone numbers that come from our Credit
Veterans LLC Messaging Alert Program Dashboard. The Credit Veterans LLC SMS
(Text) Messaging Alert Program text messaging service is provided, as is,
without charge, outside of the standard text messaging and data rates for text
messages sent and received from a participant’s mobile device according to the
terms and conditions in his or her wireless calling plan (Message and Data
Rates May Apply). This text messaging service may be subject to fees and
charges imposed by a participant’s wireless service provider under his or her
mobile plan. Text messaging and wireless service are not available in all
areas. Not all mobile devices may be supported. Credit Veterans LLC is not
liable for any delays or delivery failure by network operators. Only U.S.
telephone numbers are supported. Text messaging alerts are subject to Credit
Veterans LLC’ SMS (Text) Messaging Privacy Policy.Interpretation. Section and
paragraph headings are for convenience only and do not affect the meaning or
interpretation of this Agreement. You have had the opportunity to have the
Agreement reviewed by your attorneys; therefore, no rule of construction or
interpretation that disfavors Credit Veterans LLC or that favors you will apply
to the interpretation of this Agreement. Instead, this Agreement will be
interpreted according to the fair meaning of its terms. The term “affiliate”
means, with respect to a named individual or entity, any individual,
association, partnership, corporation or other entity controlling, controlled
by, or under common control with the named individual or entity on the
effective date of this Agreement or at any time following that effective date.
The term “and/or” means each and all of the persons, words, provisions, or
items connected by that term; i.e., it has a joint and several meaning. The
term “applicable law” or words of similar import mean the laws, regulations,
conventions, treaties, administrative rules, ordinances, court orders, and
other legal requirements of any governmental authority that has jurisdiction
over or governs any person. The term “business day” means Monday through
Friday, excluding legal holidays observed by the United States Government. Any
other reference to a “day” means a calendar day. The term “control” means the
power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of an
individual or entity, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by
contract, or otherwise. The words “includes” and “including” are not limiting
in any way and mean “includes or including without limitation.” The words
“must,” “shall,” and “will” are synonyms, and each means the action is
mandatory rather than permissive. The word “person” includes individuals,
corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, co-operatives,
associations, and other natural and legal persons. To the extent a person’s
acceptance, consent, approval, authorization, determination, specification, or
similar action is required or permitted under any provision in this Agreement,
that person may grant, withhold or condition that consent, approval,
authorization, determination or specification in its sole discretion unless
expressly stated otherwise in that provision.Governing Law; Jurisdiction and
Venue. This Agreement and any disputes under the Agreement or related in any
way to the Services will be governed in all respects by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon and, to the extent applicable,
the federal laws of the United States of America, excluding their conflict of
laws rules and excluding the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
International Sale of Goods. You agree (a) to submit to the jurisdiction of and
venue in the state and federal courts located in the State of Oregon and (b)
not to initiate any legal proceeding against Credit Veterans LLC in any other
not import, export, or re-export, directly or indirectly, any Service in
violation of applicable law.US Government Users. If Credit Veterans LLC
provides any Service to a US Government User, that Service and any software
and/or accompanying documentation for that Service are “commercial items,” as
those terms are defined in 48 CFR 2.101, they consist of “commercial computer
software” and “commercial computer software documentation,” as those terms are
used in 48 CFR 12.212, and they are provided to the US Government only as
commercial end items. All US Government entities that have the right to use the
Services will have only those rights described in this Agreement.Force Majeure.
Neither party will be deemed in default under this Agreement, nor will it hold
the other party responsible for any cessation, interruption, or delay in the performance
of its obligations under this Agreement due to causes beyond its control,
including earthquake; flood; fire; storm; natural disaster; an act of God; war;
terrorism; armed conflict; labor strike; lockout; boycott; supplier failures,
shortages, breaches, or delays; or any law, order regulation, direction, action
or request of the government; or any other cause or circumstance, whether of a
similar or dissimilar nature to the preceding, beyond the reasonable control of
the affected party, provided that the party relying upon this section (a) gives
the other party prompt written notice of that situation and, in any event,
within five days of its discovery of that situation; and (b) takes all steps
reasonably necessary under the circumstances to mitigate the effects of that
force majeure event. If a force majeure event extends for over 30 days, either
party may immediately terminate the Agreement related to the affected
Service.Amendments & Changes to the General Terms. Credit Veterans LLC may
revise, add to, delete from, or modify these terms at any time without
liability. Changes to the General Terms will not apply retroactively and will
become effective 7 days after posting; however, changes to functionality or
those made for legal reasons will be effective immediately. The General Terms,
as they apply to any specific Agreement, may be revised during the term of that
Agreement, and those revisions will not apply retroactively but will become
effective 7 days after posting; however, revisions to functionality, for legal
reasons, or if imposed by a Third-Party Provider, will be effective
immediately. Shortly before the deadline for notice of termination described in
Section 6 of this Services Agreement, you should review the current versions of
the General Terms, any relevant Agreement, and the Policies that are available
on the Credit Veterans LLC website to determine if you are willing to be bound
by those documents. If you are not willing to be bound by any revision to those
posted documents, you must prevent renewal of your Service by notifying Credit
Veterans LLC in the manner described in the Agreement.Miscellaneous. Credit
Veterans LLC is one of your independent contractors. Credit Veterans LLC is not
your partner, employee, or joint venture. Except for the Client Indemnitees and
the Credit Veterans LLC Indemnitees, there are no intended third-party
beneficiaries of this Agreement. You will not assign or transfer the Agreement
or any of your rights or obligations under this Agreement without Credit
Veterans LLC’ prior written consent. Credit Veterans LLC may assign or transfer
to another the Services or Agreements we provide to you and may allow you to do
so with the written permission of Credit Veterans LLC. The Agreement will inure
to the benefit of and be binding upon each permitted successor or assignee of
the parties. Each provision in the Agreement will be treated as a separate and
independent clause, and the unenforceability of any one clause will not impair
the enforceability of any other clause in this Agreement. Moreover, if any
provision of the Agreement is for any reason be held to be void or
unenforceable as written, the parties intend that (a) such provision of the
Agreement be enforced to the extent permitted by law, and (b) the balance of
the Agreement remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any provision of
the Agreement will be effective unless it is in writing and signed by an
authorized officer of Credit Veterans LLC, and either party’s granting of a
waiver on one occasion will not affect its right to enforce that provision or
any other provision of the Agreement at a later time.Entire Agreement. The
Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement of the parties with
respect to the matters it addresses, and it supersedes all previous agreements,
statements, and promises made by either party that is not contained in this
Agreement.Cancellation PolicyPurchases may be canceled before the onboarding
call without incurring any penalties or obligations. Cancellation requests
submitted post-onboarding will be processed under our Refund Policy outlined

Refund Policy

A full refund for purchased services is available if the cancellation is
made within 30 days of purchase.
No refunds will be issued after the initial 30-day period, as our dedicated
support team’s digital products and services are considered utilized.

Chargebacks or Disputes
After the signed agreement has taken effect; the Client agrees not to pursue
chargebacks with their credit card company. By accessing this page, the Client acknowledges their responsibility to have read and understood the Terms of Service provided. The Client agrees that failure to read the policy cannot be used as a defense against any remedies. If the Client issues a chargeback without first attempting to resolve the issue with us directly or if the chargeback request does not align with the terms of our Cancellation and Refund Policy, the Client will be responsible for the full amount of the chargeback, any associated fees, plus an administrative fee of $250. We reserve the right to report any unpaid invoices resulting from such a chargeback to all applicable credit reporting agencies and to pursue all available collection remedies. The Client acknowledges their obligation to read and understand the provisions and policies of the Credit Veterans LLC Terms ofService and agrees that omission to do so is not a defense against any remedies outlined herein.


Copyright 2025

Credit Veterans LLC

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